I cannot believe its Monday already...is it just me or do weekends fly by much to quickly? Along with a million other things, I did a shoot at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (hence the photos I attached). I am starting to explore the area (as weather, the kids, and the hubby's work schedule allows) to check out some prime locations for family and portraiture shoots. I can't wait to find more...I drill everyone I meet on pretty places and I have a list of places I want to explore SOON! Well onto the reason for today's blog...
It dawned on me yesterday how truly difficult it can be to be a military spouse, especially one with a business. I'm not going to sit here and have a pity party, because after all...this is the life we chose. I am however going to take a few minutes to explain my frustrations.
As I was walking along one of the quiet paths, I greeted a ton of other photographers and not one took the time to return my "hello". I understand, we are each others "competition" but I mean seriously? My mama didn't raise me to be rude. I have also read a hundred times (from experienced photographers such as the lovely
Rachel Brenke of Rachel Brenke Photography) that it is vital to network with other photographers and learn from one another. I am all about this...I have been fortunate enough to meet some amazing photographers (
Lorelei Taylor is one of the kindest) and they have been wonderful enough to answer my many questions. Even though I still have much to learn, I try take time to answer any questions that I can.
This brings me back to the fact that re-establishing (as an Army wife) is HARD! We just moved to Washington from Virginia a few months ago, with a newborn in tow as well as my two little boys. Well now my youngest is only 4 months so its quite hard to get out during the days (thanks a lot winter). So, I have only met a few people while on excursions. I also dont want to get in people's bubble and let them know I am A PHOTOGRAPHER! I do however desperately want to take this lovely "talent" of mine and make a successful, life long business out of it. So, where does one draw the line between promoting themselves and their business and just trying to make some friends!? I want them BOTH!